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See also Movies.
Nature and Science
- Aaron Hilliard, Mushroom Wonderland
- If Women had Hubby Vision. It's a Southern Thing channel. You-Tube.
- "Armenian Man-puts-hand-molten-metal," Daily Mail link.
- "Travelling with Kristin" travel video
JEEVES AND WOOSTER, Price and someone.
Higher Things
- The Cave Simile of Plato, narrated by Orson Welles with mediocre cartoon pictures.
- You-Tube on why pi shows up in the equation for the normal distribution
- The Babylon Bee
- Saturday Night Live
- THeodoric of York, Medieval Barber," (1978) with Jane Curtin, Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, and Steve Martin.
- More Cowbells
- Cobras and Panthers, Saturday Night Live spoof on West Side Story.
- Ultra-MAGA parade (2022) and warrior dance
- Giuliani on Bad to the Bone on the Masked Singer, with the Reveal
Political Comedy
- Saturday Night Live on the 3 Presidents' Testimony, very very good.
ideo Sites
Ray Stevens
- "I'm My Own Grandpa"
- "Gitarzan", original when he was young, not the later music video, which isn't as good.
- "The Quarantine Song" (2020)
- "If 10 Percent is good Enough for Jesus", tax song (2012 performance).
- "Sittin' Up with the Dead", around 2015, and the even better music video
- "Erik the Awful", brutal and tenacious, you could run but you could not hide...
- "Surfin'USSR"
Weird Al Yankovich
- Amish Paradise (1996) (best)
- "First World Problems" (2014) (second best)
- White and Nerdy (2006) (third best)
- "Just Like a Surgeon" (1985) (third best)
- "I Lost on Jeopardy" Good.
- Foil
- Handy
- "All about the Pentiums", ok+
- "Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch" merely ok.
- "I Love Rocky Road," pretty good.
- Eat It (1984) Version showing Michael Jackson's Beat It original side by side with it.
- I'm Fat (1988) (very good)
- Word Crimes (very good)
Abbot and Costello
- "How the Infinite Hotel Ran Out of Room" About 5 minutes
- "New Math," Tom Lehrer. About 5 minutes
- "Lobachevsky," Tom Lehrer (1953). About 5 minutes
- "Donald Duck in Mathemagicland, Disney. 27 minutes.
Monty Python
- Hilter in Somerset running for Parliament.
- Natcon II Orlando, (2021).
- You Can Call Me Bill, currently in theaters. At first the viewer thinks this movie is terrible, and in a way it is. A 90-minute monologue of William Shatner? Yet as the narration proceeds the tale becomes ever deeper. Yes, he seems like this corny guy with no taste, but repeatedly you end up asking yourself whether your own philosophic musings are actually much better than his schlock. Unclear! And he was so productive. He just loved to act. Did he ever know the difference between his good and his bad work? Was there a difference? And how is it that he, now well into his 90s, stayed far more vital and alive than just about any of you are going to manage? Recommended, provided you are willing to sit through the spills and turns and winces. Those are indeed the point.
- "Introduction Music History - Music Through Time Dies Irae" by Keirsten Bible, 34 minutes.
- Ukrainian curling, with antitank mines.
- Best new podcast: “Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” Although this is ostensibly about a Seattle-based church, it’ll be equally fascinating to the religious and non-religious alike. It’s a gripping dive into group psychology and celebrity culture.
- Fall of Civilizations. Podcast. A whole series.
- Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist's Conversion (2015) You-tube.
- "Building the Perfect Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder" (2020) . Mark Rober.
- Prince Philip's coffin at Windsor with the band playing, very moving. A military pick-up truck.
- Long Eric Zenmour debate, in French.