December 12, 2023

Below are some of the negative emails I got back in 2019. I've left out parts, and in particular have left out any identifying information. The contrast in tone between positive and negative emails I got is quite striking. I wouldn't trade my supporters for the Administration's, even though they are less numerous. The negative comments are usually obscene or abusive, with no attempt at logical argument. I have left in the obscenities. I think I added a few periods till I noticed it wasn't that I hadn't copied them; rather, a lot of young people seem to not use punctuation.


SO sick of you stupid small minded boomers! WHEN WILL YOU DIE hopefully soon


also go hang yourself in your garage yo


Horrible human being. God will punish you.


Actually don’t take care. Get hit by a bus.


why u so ugly :/


It is not from my disgust alone that i say this though. I noticed that your tweet, for example contained one too many typographical errors, for example, which a true intellectual would have most certainly caught prior to sending it off into the world. That was embarrassing enough for you. Then, I noticed a post of yours from awhile ago, concerning a transgender person & their teacher’s protest to a name policy. I find it absolutely, mind-numbingly, insanely hilarious that you claim to be an intellectual, yet fail to understand that data implies that transgender children are not confused or wrong about their self-reported gender (as early as 2-3 yrs). Nor are transgender children just engaging in imaginative play. No one is “rejecting” their “birth gender”. That statement is as insensitive as it is unscientific. It’s just plain incorrect! You are an embarrassment to IU, to males, to America, & to yourself & whomever is stupid enough to still be part of your family. You are not as intelligent as you think. You are simply arrogant & privileged enough to have had enough resources to achieve what you had wished. Remember this Eric: those who can, DO!


how are u still employed u misogynistic fool


Ok boomer


Shut up nerd


Wearing my #FemaleGenius hoodie to support the @IUBloomington Women in Business group, who sold them to protest the racist, sexist, and homophobic stances of professor Eric Rasmussen (@erasmuse).


Resign boomer


U may indeed be a serial killer, I know by your racist tweets sociopathy is probably something you're familiar with. Comments about AA not being able to attend upper-crust universities is laughable, my daughter has an IQ of 146. Your ppl created the environment for that anyway.


You make 200K and we pay your salary. You shouldn’t have turned year. My oldest daughter had you and she told me things that I couldn not believe IU didn’t fired you then. My youngest is at Kelley school as a freshmen and she doesn’t have you. Your karma says a lot about you.


You're stupid...There isn't any reason to argue with someone like yourself. Racist, Bigoted and Homophobic??? Why are you even still employed. Oh yeah, you're an OLD WHITE racist, bigoted and homophobic dude.


What do Eric Rasmussen and Trump have in common? Both are deplorable humans.


@erasmuse where and when are your office hours? I am an IU professor and I have the right to come and see you to talk about IU-related matters. Like: why a jerk like you should not teach at IU.



Cold hearted swine.... Taking notes Eric I see....


Hope you die of testicular cancer


Eric, It is distressing that an ignorant bigot such as you appear to be, cannot be immediately dismissed from any and all positions on the IU Bloomington campus. Your views are antithetical to a free, informed and open society. I will of course keep you informed whenever I find myself at the top of the stairs of the Sears tower in Chicago so as to avoid being there at the same time as you. It would be a shame if you tripped. That would not be good at all.


Please retire and save the university the shame associated with employing a racist and bigoted jerk like yourself.


I'm amazed you were given your highschool diploma, let alone a PhD and a job.


Why do you hate women so much? Did mommy hurt you? Did your crush reject you? Sorry you can't get laid ***

What makes you believe that gay people don't belong in Academia? Also, why do you think white's are superior to other races? Please provide scientific proof that these opinions can be supported by please.

I'm also curious, what does it matter to you? Why don't you/can't you just mind your business? You're on the wrong side of history and you will be greatly disappointed when you die and realize you're in Hell for spreading so much hate and intolerance.

Jesus himself would be against everything you said today. I will take that to my grave.


Why do you think women don’t belong in the workplace as well as the LGBTQ community and people of color? Shows your character more than anything. ***

I would just like you to know how much of a scum rat person you are. Being a privileged white student like myself at your university I am more than ashamed of your comments. I wish you nothing but the worst in your future endeavors. All men are created equal, and people for that matter, you’re a stereotypical Econ/conservative/white supremacist bigot that does not qualify for tenure at a very diverse and international university. It’s almost 2020, yet you live as if it is 1820. Idiotic scum.


u weird



boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer boomer Hey, uh, boomer? Quit your job. ***

You’re the reason I’m happy I don’t go to a clown college like IU.

. ***

Stop hiding your sexism behind you’re faith. You are a bigot plain and simple


Wow, you have a PhD and yet you're still dumb as fuck.


Bruh you a clown


Hey shitbag I hope your life gets ruined :)


Guess what? God doesn’t existAnd if he did, he would make you suck him off


I’m very disappointed that they can’t fire you, you are reprehensible and a terrible reflection of IU

I can’t wait to end up higher up on the corporate ladder than you ever have or will attain, and doing it *as a woman* is going to really feel great


Bitch I’ll off you

Boiler up hoe


Just a reminder your bosses at Kelley are women ?? incel


literally fuck you lol


you’re horrible, sexists tweets are giving actual true christians a bad name. do not claim to love my God when you are spreading hate because that is not what loving God is about. that is not how you bring others to Christ. I know God can change anyone and I really hope He changes your heart for the sake of everyone.


I’m glad I didn’t go to Kelley and I’m glad I choose osu instead! You disgust me!


you're weird as shit


i see that you go through a lot of trouble with all the tweets you compose, the things you retweet, and the papers you’ve written to get across a certain message but wouldn’t it just easier to flat out say you’ve never made a woman cum before? just quit beating around the bush, man


How can you seriously say other people outside of twitter don’t find your remarks offensive when the university you work for literally called you a fucking idiot


eat SHIT boomer

you are the scum of society


I wanted to privately message you so that you didn't feel publicly attacked. Instead of turning to religion for sexual education, perhaps we stick to science, especially from our own school. Kinsey has done far too much research to be overlooked. Do you use the Lord the Lord to teach econ?*


You do realize how fucking stupid you are, right? Karma’s a bitch tho, she’ll take care of you. xoxo



I know you're probably getting a lot of hate today so I just wanted to tell you they're right! You're a cunt!


ur trash


whatever you are lacking in happiness- stop taking it out on women. you look pathetic

just incase you don’t understand that’s

p a t h e t i c

i feel bad for your very closed mind


you are terrible person. you do not deserve a place within the academic world or society due to your hateful language and demeanor towards others


Please resign from your position, nobody as sexist/homophobic as you should be responsible for molding young minds.


You’re a racist, sexist little wank


have fun being unemployed, misogynis


And you’re an educator at a university? What numbskulls had the brain dead audacity to hire you? How can you call yourself an educator and post something like this? Shame on you. I am a conservative myself, but since I am a female I must be inferior to you. That’s not what being a conservative is. You’re a disgrace


Genuinely hope you lose your job over this, it's disgustingly sexist. I hope to god you don't have a girlfriend/wife/daughters/female friends because they deserve better than to know a creep like you.


Hey buddy. Just to let you know, IQ is a pseudoscientific concept. Genius is subjective and socially constructed. Maintaining sexist, homophobic, eugenicist, and classist ideologies only perpetuates the systems of oppression and inequality rampant in our country. This ignorance is so dangerous to bring into classrooms with students who should be able to look up to you. Hiding behind tenure to avoid accountability is incredibly toxic!


Get fired yet?


Hey man, just wanted to let you know that it costs absolutely nothing to shut the fuck up :)


You’re gonna get fired :) true







