Well, of course I have everything to be thankful for. Gratitude is a state of mind that evidences itself in the most apparently adverse circumstances – in the people with unhealable scars, the starving ones, the ones raising disabled children.
Yet, we the weak sometimes curl up inside our minds and are pierced with streaks of black hate. So I think it is useful to make a thankful list of things that you specifically thank God for putting into your short life. Putting it on paper can let you stretch out your limbs and smile at the sky. Each thing I put down shoots a stream of light into my upper consciousness where it will glow all day.
that I smell good (cherry blossoms)
there are stacks of books in my room, and each of them is like a friend or child
my parents have raised me facing to the light, a thigmatropic vine (eh, nature vs. nurture – whatevah)
envy does not sting me frequently
the Bible is written on the walls of my world
he hides me in the shadow of his wings
my name is written on the palm of his hand
he has made me the apple of his eye
i see beauty in trash heaps
The world is my oyster
we are microcosmoidon, vessels capable of carrying so much
There are those in my life who see past the earthen vessel, into the burning spirit
I am still young and
easily diverted
sweet, not bitter
dramatic — falling only into the despair that is actually hope thwarted and still stubborn
and am not charming because that would be a character crutch
I have the hope of becoming
clothed in strength
The world never loses its “Israel”; it is always striving with God.
the world never lies down like an old dog
humans are so easily broken
my dad raised us not to expect luxury but always to feel secure
I can burn God when I don’t dare burn my friends
we are right
we are small
noble men
I can choose.
…(I can. Despite the preordained way of things, “there lives a freshness deep down things,” inherent as well as illusory, I believe)…
Frankly, we complain a lot. Sometimes, it is constructive complaint – “our culture is too narcissistic” etc. – nonetheless, it is good to thank God even for things like that, to always see potential for good. After all, faith is as small as a mustard seed. Think what a bulk of filth it might be concealed in, yet if its roots hold and its limbs grow, it will spread its branches over our globe.