Sometimes, one just needs a laugh in life. And what better way to fulfill that need than Nerd Humor?
Said pi to the square root of -1: “Get real, dude.” Said the square root of -1 to pi: “Be rational.”
If there’s a fat guy in a pastry shop
With a twenty dollar bill and he’s ready to buy,
In order to predict his volume change
You’ll need to know the value of pi. (lyrics from a song I don’t want to promote, so I won’t give it credit)
What did the scientist say when he found 2 helium isotopes? He He
Hello, darling? Do you have 11 protons? Cause you are sodium fine. (A few of you know this one. 😉
Do not trust atoms. They make up everything.
There are two types of people in the world: 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data . . . (from Dilbert)
Hold me, I’m a fermata. 😛
What’s Mozart doing right now? Decomposing.
Viola Jokes (hehe)
What is the range of a viola? As far as you can kick it.
What’s the definition of perfect pitch? Throwing a viola into a dumpster without hitting the rim.
Why do violists leave their instrument cases on the dashboard of their cars? So they can park in “handicapped” spaces.
How does a violist’s brain cell die? Alone.
What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common? Everyone is happy when the case is closed.
How is lightning like a violist’s fingers? Neither one strikes in the same place twice.
What is the definition of a minor second? 2 violists playing in unison
and {just so the violists don’t hate me too much} Violin Jokes
What’s the difference between a violin and a viola? There is no difference. The violin just looks smaller because the violinist’s head is so much bigger.
Why are viola jokes so short? So violinists can understand them.
very droll
Good jokes, but you’re missing a negative sign.
I think I’d tell it this way:
Said pi to i: “Get real!”
Said i to pi: “Be rational.”
Said pi: “How about you?”
Said i: “Well at least I’m not irrational!”
yes you need to :II it .oopsy daisy what happened well anyway the jokes are very weird but why are there emojis at the end of some? I agree that you need to laugh I love laughing! I like how you made them & Who made them?