Solution 1: So, if you’re feeling glum on V-day buy good quality chocolate. Indulge yourself.
Solution 2: Walk the streets, watching adorable (and not so adorable) couples stroll past. Imagine how they first met. Make up their entire life stories. Then go home and write short stories about them.
Solution 3: Pretend it’s not V-day.
Solution 4: Console yourself with phrases like, “I’m in a relationship with this pizza.” or “I’m married to my art.”
Solution 5: Go to the grocery store and laugh at awkward guys buying flowers and chocolate.
Solution 6: Plan ahead. Get a significant other 2 days before V-day, quietly pressure and remind him about it so he’ll do something nice for you, then promptly dump him on February 15th. (not advised as it can be complicated)
Solution 7: Why is being sad bad? Put your negative emotions to use by writing morbid poetry!
Farewell, farewell, farewell.
PS – Quick tip: Don’t eat too much chocolate or you’ll get fat.
PPS- This is in no way an official endorsement of Cadbury chocolate or Terry’s Chocolate Orange.
So when you called it V-day I thought of V-E day at the end of WWII. That should be a holiday. When I have my airplane, I’m going to fly around on V-day and drop chocolate with parachutes on my friends houses.
That’s quite brilliant. Bombing chocolates. Much better than this sappy romance stuff we get nowadays.
You are cracking me up!!!!!
I wanna read the stories of how the couples met! Are you posting those or do I need to email you to get those??
I didn’t write them down:(
If I see a particularly inspiring couple anytime soon, I will write down their story, though and get it to you.
What I really want to do is start a post on Oxford fashion. But I’ll need to get my nerve up to ask strangers to pose. . . .
When you come back, bring me a chocolate orange!