Have you ever wondered about all the people in the world incredibly similar to you? Personality doppelgangers?
Most people are not paragons of a personality type, but the Myers-Briggs classification system can organize you into one of 16 personalities based on your psychological preferences on how you view the world and live your life. There may be several people on earth just like you, personality-wise. There are thousands of your personality type. Of course, one must remember not to judge people based on personality type as it isn’t tremendously important. Everyone is unique, notwithstanding personality “types.” As a Christian, I’d bear Galatians 3:28 in mind:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. ”
Our personality type descriptions shouldn’t become guidelines on how we should be. You probably don’t 100% fit any of the type descriptions anyway, so don’t stereotype yourself.
I shall warn thee now that thou shouldst place only little importance on this classification system. Heed thee this caveat or face the consequences. {I didn’t 🙂 }
Without further ado, I present to you my own version of :
Myer’s-Briggs Personality Profiles
- ISTP– the Craftsman: Practical and adaptable would just about describe the ISTP. They are bored by theory and want to discover new solutions through hands-on work. They are tolerant and inconspicuous, often leading quite private personal lives. They are non-judgmental and quite detached. Generally, they prefer the logic of mechanics to the complexity of human emotion. However, many ISTP’s have a hilarious, well-targeted sense of humor. They despise rules and deadlines and place emphasis on justice and equality. Most ISTP’s are men. Famous ISTP’s include: Tom Cruise, Michael Jordan, Amelia Earhart, and Lance Armstrong.
- INFP – the Dreamer: INFP’s are idealists, seeing potential for good in bad situations, endlessly pursuing truth and meaning. They have a highly defined sense of honor, and are usually optimists. Often they enjoy poetry, and do not place high value on logic. They have ability to see good in everyone no matter how revolting somebody may be. They are the personality type best suited to learning foreign languages and make great actors and writers. Famous INFP’s include: Homer, William Shakespeare, Anne of Green Gables, Audry Hepburn
- INTP– the Thinker: Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving. INTP’s think critically, viewing everything in terms of how it can be improved. They have problems with self-aggrandizement and social rebellion. They are terrified of failure. They aren’t very good at communicating warmth and don’t consider others’ feelings. They can be ridiculously absentminded. However, they are independent, unconventional, and original. They analyze problems in unusual ways, making new discoveries and thinking outside the box. They like to work independently and hate rules. The INTP spends LOADS of time in his own mind, sometimes appearing distant to others, but will happily communicate his ideas if the opportunity presents itself. Famous INTP’s: Albert Einstein, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, Lord Voldemort, Amelia Rasmusen
- INTJ – the Mastermind: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. INTJ’s are principled. They will stick to what they believe is truth no matter what. They are often highly intelligent with a hint of mystery.They have high self-confidence and widespread knowledge, leading to the label of “walking encyclopedia.”INTJ’s are perfectionists. They are natural leaders, but will give way to people with highly Extroverted personalities, often operating power in the background.The INTJ is the ultimate “man behind the curtain.” Although INTJ’s have many wonderful qualities,the good is oft accompanied by the bad. INTJ’s are clueless when it comes to attracting a partner, do not understand the concept of “flirting” and have trouble with small talk. They do not understand the feelings of others. Famous INTJ’s include: Mr. Darcy (the paragon of INTJ), Vladimir Putin, Caesar Augustus, Gandalf the Grey
- INFJ– the Counselor: Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging. Less than 1% of the population are INFJ’s. They are drawn to helping people in need (i.e. charity work, helping at hurricane damaged sites, etc.). They are very dedicated and dutiful, focusing all their attentions in one field. Full of zeal and enthusiasm, INFJ’s have potential to make a lasting impact in the world. However, they are highly sensitive and react badly to criticism. They are extremely careful of others’ feelings and expect the favor to be returned. Famous INFJ’s include: Nelson Mandela (recently deceased), Florence Nightingale, and Mother Teresa.
- ISTJ – the Inspector: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. ISTJ’s are very practical with a “just the facts, please” sort of attitude and an ability to analyse their surroundings easily. They are very dutiful and patient. Their accuracy and ability to concentrate entirely on one task makes them good employees. They are characterized by their desire to build a stable, secure life. Easily irritated by the shortcomings of others, ISTP’s will take large workloads on themselves in order to “get the job done right.” They respect tradition and will follow rules no matter what. Famous ISTJ’s include: George Washington, Queen Victoria, Andy Griffith, and Puddleglum.
- ISFJ – the Protector: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. ISFJ’s are modest about their abilities, tending to understate them. They are very kind and patient and will undergo immense suffering without saying a word. They have exceptional memories, being able to note discrepancies in a story told twice, and so make wonderful gift-givers. Even though they make friends and fit in easily, ISFJ’s are not ambitious and so will not use these advantages to advance their power and influence. They love to exceed expectations and are highly attached to friends and family. Famous ISFJ’s include: Samwise Gamgee (LotR: the epitome of ISFJ), Dr. Watson, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, and George H.W. Bush.

- ISFP – the Artist: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. ISFP’s are flexible and spontaneous. Their motto is “carpe diem.” This personality type is great at charming others and giving compliments. They hate to plan and organize and despise rules. They are sensitive to the emotions of others and aware of their surroundings. Notably impulsive, they will engage in risky activities like gambling and skydiving. Sometimes ISFP’s are overly modest, hiding their abilities out of embarassment and lack of self-confidence. But for the most part, this type is happy and easygoing. They are statistically the type least likely to finish college, most likely from the lack of ambition ISFP’s demonstrate. They are competitive, but only in the heat of the moment. A fault is their lack of self-assertion. Often ISFP’s will show utter lack of personal opinion on important issues. Famous ISFP’s include: Mozart, Bob Dylan, Marie Antoinette, and Michael Jackson
- ENTJ – the Commander: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. ENTJ’s are quick-witted and excel at making inspiring and articulate speeches. They love order and organization, and see themselves as leaders and managers. They are extremely decisive and ambitious, constantly looking for ways to climb the hierarchy and gain power and influence. ENTJ’s thrive in the business world. They believe they can accomplish anything through sheer willpower and will work until they see their vision accomplished. Oddly, the ENTJ loves work and may even say work is what he does for fun. ENTJ’s are loud and take charge of situations immediately. A major ENTJ problem is egotism. They can be arrogant and inconsiderate of feelings, often cool-headed, sometimes ruthless. Famous ENTJ’s include: Steve Jobs (ex-CEO of Apple), Margaret Thatcher (previous Prime Minister of Britain), Napoleon Bonaparte, and Darth Vader
- ENFJ– the Teacher: Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. ENFJ’s are charismatic organizers who focus on vision and inspiring others. They are tremendously empathetic, feeling others’ pain as their own. They intuitively see potential in people. Good communicators, they will listen to and help to solve the personal problems of others. This type is very likely to manifest itself in that coach or teacher who changed your life and who you will never forget. They are sociable, demanding, impatient, and appreciative. ENFJ’s have problems with getting overinvolved in other people’s lives. They will worry and get stressed out a lot. ENFJ’s can be somewhat gullible and idealistic. Famous ENFJ’s include: Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Jordan, Ronald Reagan, and Superman
- ENTP– the Visionary: Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. ENTP’s absolutely LOVE to argue. The ENTP may even argue for the side he disagrees with just to stimulate a hearty discussion. They have prodigious talent in hopping from one topic to another, making connections between different fields of knowledge with great originality. ENTP’s are good at brainstorming but not so great at actually implementing their ideas. They are brutally honest, which, combined with their argumentative traits, can alienate people. They are also headstrong, stubborn to the point of illogicality. ENTP’s tend to be respected but not liked. They are open to criticism as long as they can criticize back. They want others to view them as clever, and will contribute wit to a conversation. Famous ENTP’s include: Benjamin Franklin, Lewis Carroll, the Joker (Batman series), and Julia Child (TV chef)
- ENFP– the Champion: Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. These are people people, creative and curious. They don’t care about stability and routine, but thrive on freedom and inspiration. They often consider the pursuit of happiness the greatest goal in life. Nothing deflates them more than discussing dry fact. They live in a world of creativity and romantic ideals despising the truth of harsh reality. Many have distinctive personal style (i.e. multicolored hair, piercings, eccentric clothing). They have problems in overinterpreting people’s actions. We all know that person who thinks somebody is mad at them just because that somebody hasn’t spoken to them for a while. This is quite a common personality type. Famous ENFP’s: Sandra Bullock (Miss Congeniality), Mark Twain, Dr. Seuss, and Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter)
- ESTJ– the Guardian: Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. The qualities valued most by ESTJ’s are tradition, order, and stability. They like to be “part” of something. This type cannot thrive alone. They are very strong-willed and principled. They live in a world of fact and reality. This type has an extreme work ethic and believes in earning your way to the top. ESTJ’s are honest but considerate of others’ feelings. They are loyal and reliable. All these traits combine to form the “model citizen.” However, ESTJ’s can be close-minded. They love rules. They can become too detail oriented and forget the big picture. But they are boisterous and fun when they aren’t stressed or in a work environment, and will put a lot of effort into everything they do. Famous ESTJ’s include: Hermione Granger, George W. Bush, St. Peter, and Billy Graham (evangelist)
- ESFJ– the Caregiver: Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. ESFJ’s are practical and sociable. They don’t really care what role they’re in as long as they can be of service, socialize, and be valued and appreciated. The ESFJ prefers working in a team to working alone. They are hurt by indifference and lack of enthusiasm. They like structured, stable environments and do not enjoy working with abstract or theoretical concepts. They are highly aware of their surroundings and seek harmony. They want everyone to get along and hate argument. They take their commitments very seriously. ESFJ’s make good husbands and wives. They are very concerned about their looks and social status. Famous ESFJ’s include: William McKinley, Sally Field, Danny Glover, and Terry Bradshaw (I couldn’t find any I actually knew about. . . . Who’re Sally, Danny, and Terry?)
- ESTP– the Doer: Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving. They are social, spontaneous and sometimes rude. This type adores action. ESTP’s are good at communicating non-verbally as well as verbally. They will notice a subtle change in facial expression and divine that person’s thoughts from it. This ability is unique to the ESTP among all the Myers-Briggs types. ESTP’s don’t plan or strategize but leap headlong into a situation and learn from their mistakes. The enjoy drama, passion, and physical pleasure. ESTP’s are bad at abstract thinking, and tend to have trouble in school because of this. However, they are uncannily persuasive, having social cleverness, if not scholarly minds. ESTP’s have lots of energy, can be ADHD, and love excitement. Famous ESTP’s include: Ernest Hemingway, Madonna, Chuck Yeager, James Bond, and Fred and George Weasley
- ESFP- the Performer: Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. They get high from being the center of attention. Life is a never ending party for the ESFP. They can spend hours chatting about anything. They are immensely talented at humor and cheering others up. They are awful at planning and strategy. They would rather rely on luck or ask somebody else for help than try to figure out some complicated theory. ESFP’s are easygoing jokers universally loved by all they meet. Negatives of ESFP’s include their tendency to be shallow stemming from their social butterflyishness, and their tendency to ignore any sort of tension or conflict rather than dealing with it in a straightforward way. Famous ESTP’s include: Marilyn Monroe, Bob Hope, Elvis Presley, and Paris Hilton
Sources: pinterest.com, 16personalities.com, truity.com, mbtitruths.blogspot.co.uk, personalitycafe.com
There is also a basic test available so you won’t delude yourself into thinking you’re the coolest type. You can find it at www.16personalities.com.
Hope you found this mildly amusing.
Farewell, farewell, farewell.
We figured Lizzie is an ESFJ
What are faith and lily?
Lily seems kind of like an ENTJ. She’s young but she might develop into one. A manager and leader with organization skills. But she’s quirky; I don’t know. Faith. . . . ISFJ probably.
Start writing something! … I’m bored.