As the end of term draws near, I would like to commemorate all the wonderful classtimes I have experienced in England.
First, I would like to mention Chemistry. The Chemistry teacher has brought levity into my dull and jaded life.
“Catherine! Is that a raised hand? No? You were sort of flopping your arm about provocatively. “
“Ammonia smells like urine, rotting fish, rotting goats – goats smell very strongly of ammonia. . . . . . not that I go around sniffing goats.”
“America has been experiencing a real drug problem lately.”
I like our Chemistry teacher.
Another man in the science field perplexes me in every way. He happens to teach Physics.
On the topic of electricity: “Do they have electricity in America?” {said in a mutter barely moving his lips, looking intensely into your eyes, whispy white hair framing his forehead}
On the topic of the electromagnetic spectrum: “Do they have radio waves in America? {said in the same way as previously mentioned}
On the topic of skin cancer: “Do they have SPF in America?”
I have developed a wondrous prophetic ability relating to our communication. For example, if he tramps deliberately across the room to where L——- and I are sitting, face as cardboardy as always, and the topic under discussion is the atmosphere, I know he will ask: “Do they have oxygen in America?”
Sometimes, however, he surprises me with something like: “What do you think of Obamacare?”
So; that is Physics. Make of it what you will.
Music class on Fridays is not the most stimulating time. . . . . but once in a while something happens. We were assigned homework. We were supposed to take notes on the “instrumentation in Jeff Buckley’s ‘Eternal Life.’ Um, excuse me? Why? I guess it is not my place to reason why. So I did the homework, meaning I listened to half the song and typed about 3 sentences (nay, fragments!) of complete rubbish. The next day, when the teacher was handing worksheets out to us, I handed her my homework. Ergo:
Teacher: “Oh, sorry, did I give you a blank sheet of paper (?)”
Me: “No; it’s my homework.”
Farewell. Farewell, my friends. Farewell.
How come I didn’t know you were funny?
This reminded me of my year at Cambridge when I was 12 and the geography teacher thought that since I was from America I should know all about farming and the midwest when the topic came up in class. I was supposed to be able to answer questions forthe class like
“Why do they pronounce it ‘Duh-Moin”‘?
“What was the amount of corn production in Iowa last year?” (of corn, as in the British meaning, not just maize)
At least we weren’t studying the America Revolution in my history class there. Your dad had fun with that at his school that year!
haha @Aunt Mary
Corn production – just wow.
They’re still bitter about the Revolution. They still mention how they burned down the White House in the War of 1812 too.
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No clue. Random stalkers maybe?
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