WriterKata.com is a website I happened to stumble upon the other day. Taking you through short but escalating exercises, it tones your writing muscles in the same way push-ups tone the abdominals. Each section of exercises forms a kata cycle.
The first part of the cycle throws sentence challenges at you, such as: “Write a sentence about an old woman losing a photograph of her deceased best friend of her childhood.” After a few sentences, it gives you paragraph prompts. Then sketches (like a cross between a paragraph and a story). Finally, it prompts you for a story and you have completed a cycle. A kata takes a while to get through, but one doesn’t have to complete an entire kata in one sitting. However, if you like a challenge, I egg you on to do so.
As incentive, the creators of the website set up a point system. You do katas, you get points. Crazily enough, some writers dock up points by the hundreds. Another little funsie is the ability to create your own kata prompts for other writers. You can also read others’ completed katas or post your own if you like to show off.
I stumbled upon this website in a list which came up on www.stumbleupon.com. This address contains other website which will help your writing to improve: www.dailyzenlist.com/post/90947671878/12-useful-websites-to-improve-your-writing.
Thanks for sharing these tips! I am sure your tips really helpful!
Thanks for sharing this.