Did you know that research shows that 64% of statistics are lies? Most people never give a thought to the perils of “credentialed” authors, the title “PhD”, or the phrase “research shows.” Joe Smith reads a magazine article about a recent social study promoting all-day child care as more beneficial than old-fashioned parenting and nods along, sagaciously commending the author’s progressive spirit. A few fascinating statistics stand out to him and he repeats them to his colleagues at lunch. Not once does he entertain the possibility of badly-constructed research, politically motivated and corrupt, always accompanied by the backdrop of an agenda. Chances are, the author was not an idealist, striving for the public good but a hypocritical sycophant of the progressive leftist movement, milking the type of liberal group opinion which besides being easy to manufacture, flatters and makes money.
I hope you noticed the vague statistic which began my first paragraph. The research was conducted by myself. I used my brain as a source and, knowing its superior ability, managed to figure out through probability and a lot of complex processes you would not understand, the percentage I have given you. Most people don’t know that 64% of all statistics are lies, but now you do and you can tell ALL your friends. Of course, I really did not need to expound on my research methods because I know you are an wonderful, modern, non-judgmental person who most likely absorbed it mindlessly into the masticated mess of statistics you have accumulated over the years.
Yeah, so you may have seen that joke before.
It’s supposed to illustrate the need to think critically.
American schools are supposed to teach children to think critically. But of course never to consider that maybe, just maybe, Leonardo da Vinci was not gay. And of course everyone lets hate on the Christians because they are not multi-cultural and they always try to impose their judgmental and narrow-minded views on everyone. But remember, the Muslim Brotherhood is a peace-promoting, “largely secular” organization with “no overarching agenda.” Our Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, told us so! Okay, okay, that example was a bit silly. Clapper got a lot of flak from the media because of that stupid speech. However, it is just a blown up example of the sorts of distortions our society promotes. And the youth are the most vulnerable to it.
One such distortion is the modern feminist philosophy that pervades the world. This movement seems to be dying a bit, at least in the United States but is nonetheless peeving. I am not an expert in feminist philosophy, but I am attentive enough to notice the plethora of contradictions and inconsistencies in the very core of its being. For one thing, the modern feminists condemn the portrayal of women as sex objects in the media, but strip in public as a feminist statement. They claim that women are the same as men but also protest that women are also different than men – when it suits them and in the ways that suit them. They support woman’s choice, but seem to think all women should be judges and lawyers. Um. Excuse me? You trample the opinions of maternal women. Pro-choice? More like: “Fellow women, lets take over the job-market! Only then will we have true value!” It seems like something born from insecurity, because nowadays what do they even have to fight for?
We gained equal opportunity for women long ago. The government reserves positions specifically for women. A woman does not find any more difficulty getting into a college than a man. Women can vote. And if women are really as tough and powerful as men, why do they even need to fight for empowerment? This inconsistency is the worst of all. With a toss of her hair (or not if she’s cut it all off in a protest), the modern feminist switches off her “women are powerful and capable” mode and drops into her “we’re all victims” mode. It all is just a collection of gigantic generalizations which do not work out individually and so must all be used at once in feminist philosophy, even if they blatantly contradict each other. Any reasonable person believes a woman with a will and a wealth of talent can rise to the top of any industry. In the same way, any woman who allows herself to be treated badly and has low self esteem will end up going down a bad path. The same applies to men. As feminists have lost their reasons for being feminists, their movement grows steadily more ridiculous. Seriously, feminists, calm down and stop corrupting the youth. You are BORING. (I can speak as I am a “youth”:)
The school system of course includes sex education. If you make a mistake, they say, and everybody does, go to Planned Parenthood and get an abortion. This pro-choice part of feminism has certainly not disappeared. Frightened, pregnant teenage girls everywhere are being told to get abortions. Grown women who do not want children are advised to get abortions. Basically, everybody is being told to get abortions! Woohoo! Even from a cold, unemotional stance this is bad. A childless marriage is much more likely to lead to divorce than a fertile one, and without a baby, marriage between a couple living together is less likely to happen. Lack of family is never good for society. It leads to an increase in crime as the people of the country never learn behavioral and relational rules and responsibilities when they live unto themselves and for themselves. If there are no small societies within what we call Society, Society cannot thrive.
Moving on to ethics – This is where things get hot. Is it the woman who should get the choice, or the unborn? Should we weigh the life of an undeveloped human being differently from that of an adult? Think about this: When a criminal is punished, he is punished for three reasons: retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation. Retribution refers to the “eye for an eye” part of justice, the payment for a crime. Deterrence is the warning punishment gives to the rest of society. For example, if one man is jailed for life for murder, another man is less likely to murder somebody. Incapacitation, the insurance that the criminal cannot commit the crime again, is partially fulfilled through a prison sentence. In the cases of the worst crimes, the death penalty is imposed in order to fulfill justice completely by erasing the possibility of even a potential crime.
In the same way, abortion prevents a potential adult. Some say the baby would be better off dead than born into a bad environment or with a serious mental disorder. Okay, nice attempt to justify abortion by calling yourself compassionate. Let’s get back to our criminal. He has committed a terrible triple murder and and is sentenced to death. He is offered an escape opportunity, but if he takes it, he will live in abject poverty and may be lamed for life in his escape. Will he escape to these circumstances or await death willingly? Chances are, his survival instinct will kick in, and he’ll escape. But even if he chooses not to, at least it’s his choice. With a baby, nobody can predict what its adult self would want. But drawing from the parallel of the criminal, one would expect them to want to live. If a baby is killed, it has nothing. It has no potential to rise out of circumstance and become something great. The killer is destroying its hope, its chance, every right it has as a potential human. Do you not find that unjust? I certainly do.
Friends, I could mention many more examples of an indoctrinating school system and society. Just look at Hollywood! You just need to call yourself a Conservative to get fired. Just kidding . . . . Throughout history, independent thinkers have been challenged by problems such as these. We live in a fallen world, I know, but I’m such an idealist. I want kids to think differently from the crowd. I yearn for a country peopled by the intellectually open and the well informed. I wish for genuine and considerate discussion and noble people. At least for a nation with citizens who know the name of their first president. It’s George Washington, by the way.
Farewell, farewell.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POwd44zH9GA (video of James Clapper making his secular Muslim Brotherhood claim haha)
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