iPhone users love auto-correct like we love our mothers. It allows us to text quickly and slapdashedly, without appearing sloppy. However, everyone knows about those strange, sometimes embarrassing typos that appear when you are hurriedly responding to a text about homework. Being in some boredom today, I sprawled my fingers on an iPad keyboard and watched to see what words auto-correct would so astutely form from my splatters of letters. Inspired by what I found, I decided to write poetry out of them.
old hybrid tv awe wear earth guy union sad fight cab
A sad union guy with an old hybrid tv,
half earth, half awe,
half life in the wear and tear of a distant cab fight.
like gods a tyre millpond liken monk goo joined knocking erected
Gods in a millpond
liken a monk to a tyre,
goo erected and joined to steel,
knocking on the water with a rippling plonk.
out husk reexamine points generations hi I’m pomfret jig fact {Note: a pomfret is a fish often sold in Asian groceries}
Pomfret I am.
Generations of fins.
Reexamining my outer husk, she points.
Hi, I’m pomfret.
A pause –
A desperate jig of red.
It is the end.
deftly euro row ugh punitively cuing turn alarm girl middle hitch porches heckled
Hitched mules heckled the girl in the middle,
punitively braying “Ugh.”
A euro dropped, cuing Law’s deft return.
He whips the asses on the porch of Scorn.
fat plug Kurd suzerainty social pick panic zilch virtue potluck {Note: zilch means nothing and suzerainty means a ruler of a separate state that is internally autonomous}
A suzerainty nobody has ever seen
straddles the sky of a Kurd shepherd’s world.
The stars socialize, old sparkplugs
fatuously discussing the zilch panic of heaven,
a potluck of virtue and fat old professors,
they pick out small mortals to burden with fate.