Okay: – What Do You Care What Other People Think? Richard Feynman – The Blessed Damozel by Dante Gabriel Rossetti – Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot – The Pre-Raphaelite Poets with Intro by Harold Bloom – Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas Hardy Good: – The Lady of Shallott by Tennyson – With my Trousers…
Author: amelia admin
Summertime Rhapsody
Dear readership, I recently had the opportunity to interview a fantastic person named Ben. He’s my brother; wise for his age. You might want to read what he has to say about the incoming season. Amelia: What does summertime mean to you? Ben: It means freedom. Amelia: Freedom from what? Ben: Freedom from school, and…
I promise I’ll post something humorous sometime and halt the overdramatic drivel!
No man is an island
The skin attempts to contain the overflow of anger, but it is conquered from within, tattooed in swirls of green and navy blue seeping up from the lower dermis. There are pale blue highlighter streaks forming skies and lines connecting fish, arms, feet, and peacocks – all angular and flowing. The explosion, will it ever occur?…