A small, ancient building made of white stone. There aren’t any tourists. It feels so. . . empty. Then I walk into a courtyard garden, and there he is. He is practically part of the scenery, an exotic flower, surrounded by his mates. On a bench, he sits absorbing nature like a plant absorbs sunshine….
Author: amelia admin
As the end of term draws near, I would like to commemorate all the wonderful classtimes I have experienced in England. First, I would like to mention Chemistry. The Chemistry teacher has brought levity into my dull and jaded life. “Catherine! Is that a raised hand? No? You were sort of flopping your arm…
Confidential: Report. Not to be viewed by unauthorized authorities.
Agent Deadly Cobra reporting. Ran on The Track today. Was enlightening. It particularly enlightened me of my lack of fitness. (Do not worry; this excerpt has little effect on the mission. It’s just an FYI(For Your Information). Oh; and not classified information. I’m just adding in a jocular little personal detail to start this report…
Blenheim Palace
3/9/14 Verses in the Blenheim Palace grounds i. – walking through the meadow, full of sun and picnicking families ii. – in the Secret Garden iii. – lying in the meadow in the sun iv. – walking up a hill in the twilight, sniffing in the glorious smell of sheep-poop on a pilgrimage to the…