I want my words to be cold, icy clear, and hard as diamond, not melting all over the place like a pile of slops. I have been laden with responsibility, you see. Whatever I say must love truth – not just tolerate or include or concede truth, but reach at it like a drowning man…
Author: amelia admin
Five-Finger Scales: “Counting Rhyme”
1. Sorrow is a legion of worn women with crepe skin and black shawls and brooms. The whispering of the straw scrapes the floor as they quietly shunt dust out the door, shake the crumbs from billowing tablecloths that churn and coil in the wind, held tight by gnarled fists. When they are finished with…
thankful list
power hunger
When I call him Power Hunger, I mean just that – a phrase that is in its entirety more meaningful than its parts. Power cannot exist without hunger. It is hunger. Now hunger is beginning to lose meaning. 3 repetitions and it looks like such a silly word.