Mr. Rasmusen's Cedars Math Page (October 16, 2021)
temp.txt and
- The Zoom address is
- An online Python compiler that can import the matplotlib module is at
- Lesson 6, Friday. Order of operations, exponents.
Test 1 (arithmetic, writing numbers in words).
- Lesson 7, Wednesday.exponents, neatness.
* Test-taking music: Johann Bach's Musical Offering in piano and harpsichord. (with scrolling musical notation). A long essay on the Musical Offering with linkage to Leibniz, Newton, and Voltaire; and
a short essay that talks about in connection to Mozart and Beethoven.
* "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years." Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi," Atlantic Monthly, 1874.
* Homework 7 (exponents, neatness)
- Lesson 8, Friday. Graphics.
* T and T Repairables , a used car dealership out west in the country.
*An online Python compiler that can import the matplotlib module is at
* Homework 8 (graphics, Python)
- Lesson 9, Monday. Word problems.
Homework 9 (word problems). Remember also to ask your parents what is necessary for salvation, and, in particular, why just deciding to believe is not enough.
Addition, Sept. 21: The key verse is "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." James 2:19.
Here is a good blog post on prayer flags and prayer wheels, with gorgeous photographs if the Himalaya Mountains. Someone came up with the idea of the "prayer wagon": drawings here and
here. Relatedly, the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke) came up in class.
WORDS: Amiable, endless loop.
- print("Buddhist code.")
- x = 4
- item=1
- while x<6:
- print("Glory to God in the highest!",item)
- item = item +1
- print ("The End.")
Steps in solving word problems: 1. Figure out what the question is and what kind of number is supposed to be the answer. 2. Figure out which numbers in the question are relevant--- some numbers might well be irrelevant to getting to the answer. 3. Figure out what techniques you are going to need, e.g., addition, division, Python coding, looking up something on the Internet.
- September 16-18 Covid/Rain Interruption
- 1/2-hour Zoom lecture on Python plotting.
- Lesson 2.2, Monday, September 21. Mixed Numbers.
Video of today's class.
Still pictures that Olivia took: whole class and
Olivet, and
Noah and
- Lesson 2.3, Wednesday, September 23. Factors and Prime Numbers
The "All Odd Numbers Are Prime" joke and
Cedars 14-person joke script.
- Lesson 2.4, Friday, September 25. Putting a Fraction into Lowest Terms
- Lesson 2.4b, Monday, September 27. Plotting Functions, Divisibilty by 2, 3, 5, 7, 10.
HW 2.4b supplement: Plotting Functions with Python and zoom office hour sessions one and
two on problems with the homework.
Khan Academy on divisibility by three, and a better, written, exposition.
I've written up some Python code for testing divisibility by 2,3,5, and 7. Its purpose is to illustrate how one has to write up instructions for a computer carefully and clearly.
- Lesson 2.5, Wednesday, September 29. Multiplying Fractions
Gordon Klein's Wikipedia Page
- Lesson 2.7, Friday, October 1. Dividing Fractions
- Lesson 2.8a, Monday, October 4. More Multiplication
Beethoven's Ghost Trio (1809)
Video of part 1 (explanation) of the odd number joke.
- Lesson 2.8b, Wednesday, October 6. Emails, Prime Numbers
Handout on Euclid's proof, and "Euclid's Proof of the Infinitude of Primes" and five-minute video of Mr. Rasmusen going through the proof.
Handout on writing emails
Homework 2.8b.
The "All Odd Numbers Are Prime" joke and
Cedars 14-person joke script. The video of part 1 (explanation of primes) and
part 2 (explanation of people) and
part 3 (the joke itself) and
part 4 (Polya Conjecture) of the odd number joke. The Python code by Professor Connell to test the Polya Conjecture.
Gordon Klein video from Fox's Tucker Carlson Show.
- Friday, October 8. No class. Trip to Indianapolis.
- Monday, Wed., Friday, Fall Break.
- Monday, October 18. 3.1: Adding fractions with the same denominator
- Wednesday, October 20. Review.
- Friday, October 22. Test 2. LaTeX and Anaconda Python.
- Math puzzles can be found at Quora .
A blogpost on myriads.
"Proof That 2^(1/2) is Irrational".
A visual, immediate & intuitive proof that the sum of the first n interger numbers equals n(n+1)/2
URL: I live in Bloomington, Indiana. Comments: