Indiana University Bloomington Faculty Requesting President Whitten Remain as President

To the Indiana University Board of Trustees, Indiana University Alumni, and Concerned Citizens of the State of Indiana

As tenured or retired faculty members of Indiana University Bloomington, we wish to show our support for President Whitten.

This petition is in response to the petition, "Open Letter from Indiana University Bloomington Faculty re: Campus Protests and Arrests," signed by 996 "faculty members of Indiana University Bloomington," most of whom were willing to make their names public on the web there. It concludes:

"We demand that President Whitten and Provost Shrivastav resign immediately or be terminated."

The present petition is open only for tenured faculty, because assistant professors and non-tenure-track faculty are vulnerable to dismissal by the President and it is not fair to ask them to sign. This petition was organized by a retired professor who does not support President Whitten but who believes it is important for the Board of Trustees, Alumni, and Hoosiers to be able to gauge the extent of faculty support on both sides of the issue.

We who sign this wish to show that we at least mildly support the President, for a variety of reasons. We do not necessarily approve of the way she had handled the protests or performed as President, but:

"We request that President Whitten remain in her position."

Signatures as of May 1, 2024

None yet. Until there are at least five signatures, no signatures will be listed, to ease the problem of potential signers' reluctance to be first. The signers will be listed in alphabetical order, not by the time of signing.
To sign, send an email with your name and department, and whether you wish your name to be listed publicly, to: Remember: DO NOT SIGN UNLESS YOU ARE A TENURED OR RETIRED PROFESSOR AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY.