Monday, November 10, 2008


Shaggy Mane Mushrooms

On Sunday we finally stopped to look at the coprinus mushrooms that we've seen growing at the intersection of Route 45 and the road to church. I jumped out and picked some. They are shaggy mane mushrooms, which apparently do not poison you if you drink alcohol, though they are closely related to those inky caps

Today we at some of them. They had all opened up, and some had deliquesced completely. Fried in oil (after being cut up, each into 3 or so pieces) they were okay. Amelia, Ben, and Lillie tried them with me. Faith said "Like it!" which means "I don't like it!" The black ones are a bit bitter and too tasty. I think the books are correct that they are best while still white. They turn pink before turning to ink.

November 14. More had come up by now. Benjamin and I picked the young ones, and I made soup with them chopped up with milk, pepper, salt, butter, milk, and dried onion flakes. They are better in soup than fried. The soup was an interesting gray-black color.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008



Yesterday I went jogging with L. and F. in the stroller and B. on his bike. We went to the persimmon tree on Sare Road. All the leaves but only a few fruit had fallen, and they were ripe and delicious. is a website devoted to persimmons.

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