This morning I received a fax from Planned Parenthood that urged me to check out their new "lampoon" of the "religious right," based on the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy television show. In PP's version, Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson give a young, hip couple a "right wing makeover." They end up total squares, and worst of all...they actually end up getting married!!! Talk about old fashioned. Luckily, the folks from PP encourage them to lose both the wedding bands and unwanted children. Voila! They get to have cool hair and art again.[in full at 04.04.25a.htm]Check it out here.
It's pretty fun to watch. The simplistic nature of PP's worldview is honestly stunning. This kind of discourse is on par intellectually with the schoolyard taunts of fourth graders. Being "uncool" is the worst thing you can be. The only reasonable explanation for pursuing such trival arguments with this sort of gusto is a complete lack of moral standing.
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