November 24, 2003. ת Acts Between Consenting Adults: The German Homosexual Cannibal.

While we're on unpleasant topics, I just came across a singularly disgusting example of an act between consenting adults that I would like to ban even if both parties consent. Armin Meiwes advertised for "young, well-built men aged 18 to 30 to slaughter" and did just that. His defense is that the young man consented, and joined him in auto-cannibalism before he died. Don't read this if you don't want to be disturbed. I'm not sure I was wise to. But, J.S. Mill liberals, if the young man did consent, do you object to this? If you do, what is the difference between allowing this and allowing simple sodomy, except that you personally find cannibalism offensive, while other people find both sodomy and cannibalism offensive?

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