November 24, 2003. ש Weblog Controversy Items: Amazon Review, Vaughan Weblog on Pedophiles.

My brother pointed out to me that someone gave my book, Games and Information, a one-star customer review rating on Amazon because he objects to my views on homosexuality. Be assured, game theory fans-- there is very little sex in the book, and no homosexuality that I can recall, so any ignorance I may have on the subject isn't really reflected in its quality. Here's the review.

1 out of 5
stars Eric Rasmusen is a homophobe and an ignorant one at that., September 8, 2003
Reviewer: A reader from Osgood, in USA
Eric Rasmusen is the individual who posted homophobic comments on his Indiana University hosted web site. Do not buy from this book. Buying his book supports hate.

This is a common response of the left: a sanctimonious attempt to hurt conservatives in any way possible. Possibly it will backfire. I can't imagine anyone not buying my book because of my politics if the person really wants to learn game theory and thinks my book will help him, but I can imagine a few enthusiastic souls buying copies they'll never read just to support me (not necessary, friends, save your money--- unless you really do want to learn game theory).

I also just found that Michael Vaughan's weblog has interesting evidence on pedophiles, though it doesn't give detailed citations (I'd like to see page numbers. for instance). For example,

The Simon and Schuster book "Homosexualities," by Alan Bell, reports that 25 percent of homosexual men admit to having had sex with boys who are 16 or under.
The Bell book is a standard reference, so this is probably from a reasonably good survey.

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