Blenheim Palace, Wytham Woods, Port Meadow

It’s easiest to write things in reaction to the photos we have, so I’ll do that.

We all went to Blenheim Palace last Saturday to hear three lectures by Douglas Wilson, a prominent Reformed pastor from Moscow, Idaho who runs the blog Blog and Mablog. Ben M., a DPhil student who goes to St. Ebbe’s, is his son-in-law.

Blenheim Palace from the Front
A Blenheim Courtyard

The conference was in one of the rooms in Palace, and between sessions we could roam the grounds along with other visitors.

Ben M. at Blenheim
Four Children at the Blenheim Lake

Dad was at high table at Nuffield twice in this past week, after the Benny Moldavanu (from Bonn) and Sergiu Hart (Israel) workshops. It might be interesting to see the guest list and three menus.

The Canal at the Frenchay Bridge

We went for a walk on Port Meadow with Ellie, one of Amelia’s classmates, to see the horses.

At Port Meadow
The End of the Canal Downtown

On another outing, we went to Wytham Woods, which is owned by the University. It took us about 3 months and two letters for the permit to arrive– and then two permits arrived separately within a week of each other! The Wood is not very attractive now– though the views are good– but it will be very nice in the Spring, and it is very large and not at all far away.  Spotting a badger set, we all went forward to investigate, and Helen’s leg found a deep hole and she fell flat and fast on her face.  Thankful that she was not carrying Faith at the time.

In Wytham Woods

Dad gave a workshop at Bath University, driving out and back. It went well, and Bath has some interesting people. The Indian restaurant he went to for dinner was very good, and was in a fancy Georgian building.

The Bath Economics Faculty

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