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This is reached by http://rasmusen.org/rasmapedia. Top pages: '''[[Music]]''' and '''[[Quotations]]''' and '''[[Words]] ''' and [[Jokes]] and [[Anecdotes]]  and '''[[Books To Read]]''' and '''[[Articles to read]]''' and '''[[iu:main]]''' and [[Notes to Transfer Elsewhere]] and [[Memorable Articles]] and [[Software]] and [[Videos]].
See also [[Holidays]].  
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==[[Computers]] and  [[Images]] and [[Movies]] and  [[Best Dozen Articles I've Read in 2023]]  ''and  the''  [[MIT Free Speech]] page. ==
*[[Notes on Covid]]
*[[Asymptomatic Spread]] and [[Attacks on covid dissenters]]
*[[Covid Blunders]] 
*[[Civil Rights and Rule by Decree]] and [[covid]]  and  [[Covid Gear and Precautions]] and [[Covid Origins]] and [[Covid Party Line Flip Flops]] a
*[[Covid Death rate]] and [[Covid Defective Thinking]] 
*[[Epidemiology]] and [[Epidemiologists]]
*[[Covid: Law]]  and [[Long Covid]]
*[[Masks]] and [[Covid: Misinformation]]
*[[Covid op-eds]]
*[[Pandemic Policy]] and [[Covid: Policy]] and [[Polls]] and  [[Pulse Oximeters]]
*[[Covid Statistics]]
*[[Covid: Testing]] and [[Covid: treatments]]
*[[Vaccination]] and [[Ventilation]] and [[Vitamin D]]
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*[[Notes on Economics]]
*[[Articles to Read]] and [[Assets]]
*[[Coase Theorem Examples]] and [[The Common Carrier Theory of Facebook]]  and [[Conferences]] and [[Contracts]] and [[Convertible Indexed Consols]]
*[[Data]] and [[Diseconomies of Scale]]
*[[Econometrics]] and [[Economic history]] and [The economics profession]]  and [[Economistical Arrogance]] and [[Economists--Current]] and [[EJMR]] and [[Entrepreneurs]] and [[Externalities]]
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*[[History of Economic Thought]]
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*[[Paper Notes]] and [[Parler v. Amazon]] and  [[Paternalism]] and [[Personal investing]]  and [[Poverty]] and [[The economics profession]] and  [[The Prosperity of Ching China]]
*[[Recycling]] and [[Refereeing]] and [[Regulation]]
*[[Sam Bankman-Fried]] and [[Scholarly Misconduct]] and [[Schumpeter]] and [[Seminar Notes]] and [[Socialism]] and [[Social Regulation]] and [[Statistics]] 
*[[Talks:    Polarization and Splitting a Pie (January 19, 2021)]]
*[[Taxation in China 1650-1911]]
*[[The 2021 Texas Snowfall Electricity Crisis]]
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*[[Notes on Education]]
*[[Bloomington Schools]] and [[Boarding Schools]]
*[[Cancellings]] and [[Childrearing]] and [[Christian Colleges]] and [[College]] and [[College Majors]] and [[Colleges]]
*[[DEI]] bureaucrats
*[[Good Teachers]] and [[Grading]]
*[[Houchin Bill]]
*[[Indiana Free Speech Survey]] and [[IU Trustees]]
*[[Loyalty Oaths]]
*[[Private Schools]] and [[Proofs-- Bad Ones]]
*[[Rasmusen Controversy,2019]]
*[[SAT Test]] and [[School Discipline]] and [[Sexual Abuse by Teachers]] and [[Student Newspapers]]
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*[[The undergraduate law major]] and [[Uni High]] and [[Unionized Schools]] and [[Universities]]  and [[University Reform]]
*[[Notes on Law]]
*[[Abortion]] and [[Agency law]] and [[Amy Chua]]
*[[Bad Supreme Court Writing As Exemplified in ''Ford v. Montana'' (2021)]] and [[Bettinger v University of Virginia]]
*[[Cases]] and [[Clothing]] and [[The Common Carrier Theory of Facebook]] and [[Con Law]] and [[Contracts]] and [[Copyright]] and [[Crime]]
*[[Defamation]] and [[Department of Justice]] and [[Disbarring]] evil lawyers
*[[Embargo]] Contracts for News
*[[False Accusations]] and the [[FBI]] and [[FOIA]] and  [[Free Speech Law]]
*[[Graveyard Bonds]]
*[[Hunter Biden Plea Bargain]]  and [[Hunter Biden's Admission to Yale Law School]] and  [[Hyperlink in Briefs]]
*[[Impeachment]] and [[The Indiana Legal Trust]]  and [[Injustice]] and [[Injunctions--National]] and the [[IU Trustees]] and [[Intellectual property]] and [[International Law]]
*[[Judges]] and [[Justice]]
*[[Law Reviews]] and [[Lawyers]]  and  [[Legalism]] in religion  and  [[Leviticus]] and  [[Litigation Finance]]
*[[Meriwether Case of Administration Persecution]] and [[Morality Laws]]
*[[Natural Law]] and [[Nondisclosure Clauses]] and [[Nonprofits]]
*[[Opium War Arsenic Poisoning]] and [[Oral Argument]]
*[[Pardons]]  and    [[Parler company]] and [[Parliamentary Procedure]] and and [[Patents]] and [[Poison Pills]] and [[Police]] and [[Police Shootings]] and  [[Police Tactics]] and [[Pornography]] and [[Precedent]] and [[Preliminary Injunctions]] and  [[Product Law: Fraud, Trademark, Copyright, Patent]] and [[Property Law]]
*[[Ranking Law Schools]]
*[[Self-Defence]] and [[Settlements]] and [[Settlement That Hurt the Public]]  and  [[Specific versus General Jurisdiction for Corporations]] and [[SpeechFirst University Database cases]] and the [[Supreme Court]]
*[[Tax Law]] and [[Tenure]] and  [[Texas v. Tech Lords]]  and  [[Title IX Law]]  and [[Torts]] and  [[Transition Rules in Administrative Law]] and [[Trent Colbert]]
*[[The undergraduate law major]]  and [[University Counsels]] and [[University Governance]]
*[[What Is the Law?]]
*Yale Law School's [[Amy Chua]] and [[Trent Colbert]].
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*[[Notes on Living]]
*[[Advice]] and  [[Air Travel]] and [[Architecture]] and  [[Art]]
*'''[[Badly Designed Products]]''' and  [[Beauty]] and  [[Best Things of 2020]] and [[Best Things of 2021]] and [[Best Things of 2022]]  and [[Best Things of 2023]] and [[Best Things of 2024]] and [[Best Articles of 2023]] and [[Candidates for Best Dozen Articles I've Read in 2021]]  and  [[Bloomington Employers]] and [[Best Dozen Articles of 2022]] and [[Bloomington Life]]
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*[[Games]]  and  [[Gardening]]  and [[Gifts]] and [[Glue]] and [[Guns]]
*[[Happiness]]  and  [[Hardware]]  and  [[Holidays]] and [[Humor]] and  [[Hunting]]
*[[Job Advice]] and [[Job Interviews]]
*[[Knives]] and [[Knots]] 
*[[Marriage]] and [[Medicine]] and [[Movies]] and [[Musical Instruments]]
*[[Obesity]]  and  [[Obituaries]] and [[An Old Man's Stories]] and [[Organization]]
*[[Parenting]]  and [[Parties]] and [[Pens]]  and [[Piercings]] and [[Places]] and  [[Places to Go]]  and  [[Presents]]  and [[Psychology]]
*[[Search engines]]  and  [[Shopping]]  and  [[Sickness]]  and  [[Smoking]] and and [[Social Class]]  and  [[Stories]]
*[[Tools]]  and [[Tourism]] and [[TV]]
*[[Units of Measurement]]
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*[[Notes on Politics]]
*[[Abortion]] and the [[Army]]
*[[Biden Administration]] and [[Bureaucracy]]
*[[Cancellings]] and [[Censorship]] and [[The CIA]] and [[Civil Liberties]] and [[The Common Carrier Theory of Facebook]]  and  [[Communism]] and [[Communists]] and [[Conservatives]] and [[Conspiracy Theories]] and [[Corporate Wokeness]] and  [[Corruption]] and  [[Countries]] and [[Covid-19]] 
*[[The Deep State]] and [[Demonstrations]] and  [[Dictators]] and [[Diplomats]] 
*[[Filibusters]]  and [[Fraud in Government Programs]] and [[Free Speech]]
*[[Government Design]] (constitutions, civil service, etc.)
*[[Hate hoaxes]] and [[Healthcare Policy]] and [[History and Political Tactics for Our Time]]
*[[Identity Politics/Tribalism]] and [[Immigration]] and [[Impeachment]] and [[The Imperial Presidency]] and [[Indiana Politics]] and [[Indiana University]] and  [[Inequality]] and [[Israel]]
*The January 6 incident:  [[2020 Capitol Crowd]] and  [[Judges]]
*[[Kamala Harris As  Prostitute]]
*[[Liberals]] and [[Letter to People Who Might Vote for Biden]]  and [[Liberals and Beauty]] and [[Luxury Beliefs]]
*[[The Media]] and [[Military Spending]]
*[[The Nation]] and [[Nazis]] and [[Nixon]] and [[Nuclear power]]
*[[Parliamentary Procedure]] and [[Pedophiles]] and [[Personality and Politics]] and [[Political philosophy]]  and  [[Political Prisoners in the US]] and [[Political Tactics]] and [[Politicians]] and [[Politics generally]] and  [[Politics]]  and [[Polls]] and [[Pontius Pilate As Politician]]
*[[Practical Tips on Woke Mobbing]] and [[Presidents]]
*[[The Press as an arm of the Democratic Party]] 
*[[Public Intellectuals]]
*[[Race]] and  [[Redistricting]] and  [[Richard II, Rebellion, and Right]] and  [[Riker Book]]  and [[Russia]]
*[[Social Policy]] and the [[Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)]] and [[Spies and Spying]] and  [[Subversion]]
*[[Tactics  to Fight Cancelling]] and [["This Land Is My Land"]] and [[Transexuals]]
*[[U.K. Politics]] and the  [[Ukraine]]
*[[Virtue]] and [[Vote Fraud]] and [[Voting]]
*[[War]] and [[Wikipedia]] and [[Wokefolk]]
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This page is for things to do on Easter.  It is sufficient for use, but I will improve it.
In 2021, the three readings below worked well. People read them as dessert was served. You can print out the readings from: [[READING 1: Luke 23-24. The Easter Story]] and [[READING 2: Revelation 19. Christ the Victor over Death]] and [[READING 3:  Revelation 20. The New Jerusalem]]. You can do it several ways:
*(a) Three people read Readings 1, 2, and 3. (3 people participate)
*(b) Five people read Readings 1a, 1b, 1c, 2 , and 3. (5 people participate)
*(c) Four people read Readings 1a, 1b, and 1c and 2. Five people read Reading 3. (9 people participate)
*(d) Three people read Readings 1a, 1b, and 1c. Six people read Reading 2. One person reads Reading 3 (10 people participate)
*(e) Three people read Readings 1a, 1b, and 1c. Then six people read Reading 2 and five people read Reading 3. (14 people participate)
We are having our big dinner at 5pm today. For that, I will try to expand this. I will try to get some hymns printed out, with sheet music, and to get everyone to have an instrument-- grand piano, violin, viola, cello, trombone, ukulele, didgeridoo, kazoo, harmonica, pots-and-pans percussion, recorder, clarinet are possibilities. I will look for an ancient prayer or a Book of Common Prayer one for dinner. Maybe stories of past Easters. Maybe Dante's Paradiso has something good. I'd like to write up something on the theology of Easter to add to the readings. During dinner, maybe as people for names of some dead people we can hope will rise again, with no discussion of the probabilities of happy ending in particular cases. Ideally, we'd do something on the pattern of a seder, though we're a bit wiped out after last night's Christian seder at Bob's House.    
*[[Notes on Religion]]
*[[Abortion]] and [[Anti-Semitism]]
*[[The Bible]] and  [[Bible Translations]]  and [[Useful Bible Verses]] and  [[Bloomington Churches]] and [[Books]]
*[[Christian Business]] and [[Christian Colleges]] and [[Christmas]] and  [[Church Buildings]]  and  [[Church Discpline]] and [[Church Music]] and    [[Conversion Stories]]
*[[Deificatio]] and [[Dissolution of the Monasteries]] and [[Donations]]
*[[Ecclesiastes]] and [[Ecclesiology]]    and [[Ethics]] and [[Evangelism]]
*[[Faith versus Works]] and [[Forgiveness versus Justice]] and [[Fundamentalism]] 
*[[Good Churches in Various Towns across America]] and [[The Good Shepherd]] and [[Grace]]
*[[Hatred]] and [[Head Coverings]] and [[Holidays]] and [[Hymns]]
*[[Immortality]] and [[Inerrancy]]
*[[Jews]] and [[Judaism]]
*[[The Law As an Expression of God's Character]] and [[Legalism]] and [[Leviticus]]
*[[Making your own Christmas cards folding 8x11 paper]] and [[Mormonism]]
*[[The Name of God]] and [[The National Anthem as Idolatry]]
*[[Pastors]]  and [[Peter's Denial]]   and [[Polls: Religion]] and  [[Political Economy in the Bible]] and  [[Pontius Pilate As Politician]]  and  [[Prayer]] 
*[[Religion in America]] and [[The Rites Controversy in China]]  and  [[Roman Catholicism]]
*[[Theology]] and [[The twelve days of Christmas]]
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==[[READING 1: Luke 23-24.  The Easter Story]]==
This should be read by three people, 1a, 1b, 1c.
'''Reading 1a.''' <br>
And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid.
*[[Bad Supreme Court Writing As Exemplified in ''Ford v. Montana'' (2021)]]
And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.
*[[Bankruptcy--Casey and Macey on Hertz and Absolute Priority]]
Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.
*[[Bankruptcy--Skeel on Christian Bankruptcy]]
And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.
*[[Equity-- Why Not Have Enough?]] and [[Euclid]] and [[Evaluation in Organizations]]
And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
*[[Good Essays by Various Men]]
*[[Good Sermons by Various Men]]
*[[Graveyard Bonds]]
*[[Heteroskedasticity]] and [[Hundred Flowers Bloom Model]]
*[[The Indiana Litigation Trust]] (formerly named [[The Indiana Legal Trust]])
*[[Nondisclosure Clauses]]
*[[An Old Man's Stories]] and [[Ostracism in Japan]] and [[Outliers]]
*[[Regulation Book]]
*[[Research Fraud]]
*[[Riker Book]]
*[[Specific versus General Jurisdiction for Corporations]]
[[Voting: Liberty Fund Conference]]
'''Reading 1b.''' <br>
*[[Talks:   Polarization and Splitting a Pie (January 19, 2021)]]
And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:
*[[Notes for My Book-in-Progress on Writing, Talking, Listening and Thinking]]
And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
*[[1933 Germany]]
He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee,
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Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
And they remembered his words,
And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.
'''Reading 1c.'''<br>
It was Mary Magdalene and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.
And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.
Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; and stooping down, he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves, and departed, wondering in himself at that which was come to pass.
*[[Censorship]] and [[Cicadas]]  and  [[Covid-19]]
*[[Depression]] and [[DNA History]]
*[[The FDA]]
*[[Geology]]  and  [[Global Warming]]
*[[Math]] and [[Medicine]] and [[Mushrooms]]
*[[Nuclear Power]]
*[[Plants]]  and [[Pollution]]
*[[Scholarly Misconduct]] and [[Short Circuits]]
*[[Time]] and [[Trees]]
*[[Zeno's Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise]]
*[[Notes on Thinking]]
*[[ Authority]]
*[[Bayes's Rule]] and [[Bias]] and [[Bias in Research]]  and  [[Boasting]]  and  [[Books for My Children To Read]]  and  [[Books I Find Myself Reading Over and Over]]
*[[Chess]] and [[Comments]] on the Internet, and [[C. P. Snow, Good Judgement and Winston Churchill]] and [[Critical Thinking]]
*[[Ethics]]  and  [[The Exception That Proves the Rule]]  and  [[Experts]]
*[[Feeling versus Thinking]]  and  [[Francis Bacon's Four Idols]]    and  [[Freedom of Speech]]
*[[Innovation]]  and [[Intelligence]]
*[[Man and Woman]]  and  [[Models and Heuristics]]
*[[Personality]] and [[Persuasion]] and [[Philosophy]] and  [[Postmodernism]] and [[Psychology]]
*[[Randomness]] and [[Reading]] and [[Remembering to Think]]
*[[Self-Esteem]] and [[Selfishness]] 
*[[Three Kinds of  Concluding: Logic, Intuition, Authority]]
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==[[READING 2Revelation 19. Christ the Victor over Death]]==
<blockquote style="color: gray">
*[[Notes for My Book-in-Progress on Writing, Talking, Listening and Thinking]]. See also  [[Coding]] and [[Tables of Numbers]] and [[Figures and Diagrams]] and [[Social media]]  and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/c-p-snow-good-judgement-and-winston-churchill/ C. P. Snow, Good Judgement and Winston Churchill ] and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/indefinite-pronouns/  Indefinite Pronouns ] and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/writing-right-right-away/  Writing Right Right Now.  ]  and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/style-manual/  Writing Style.  ]  and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/rewriting-abstracts/  Rewriting Abstracts ]  and [https://www.rasmusen.org/blog1/diagrams/  Diagrams.  ]  and [[Careful Writing Requires Work]].
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
*[[Bad Language]] and  [[Bad Supreme Court Writing As Exemplified in ''Ford v. Montana'' (2021)]]  and [[Big Picture Overview Writing]]  and [[Big Words]]  and [[Book reviews: Curiosity, by F.H. Buckley]]
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
*[[Candidates for Best Dozen Articles I've Read in 2021]] and [[Citation]] and getting [[Comments]] and [[Conferences]] and [[Cover Pages]]
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
*[[Daily Themes]] abd [[Diagrams]]
*[[Examples of Rewriting Abstracts]] and [[Ambiguity]] and  [[Anonymity]] and [[Articles on Writing]] and [[Audience]]
*[[Examples of Rewriting Abstracts]] and [[Examples of Seminar Handouts]]
*[[Fallacies]]  and  [[Fiction Links]]  and  [[Footnotes]]
*[[Handouts]]  and [[Handwriting]] and  [[How to Run Online Talks]] and  [[Hyperlinks and the List of Authorities in Legal Briefs]]
*[["Impact" As a Verb]]
*[[Journals]] and [[Journalism]]
*[[K-12 Writing]]
*[[Math Writing]] and  [[Mockery and Name-Calling]]
*[[Names]] and [[Novels I Like]]
*[[PhD students]] and [[Phrases]] and  [[Poems]]  and  [[Procrastination]] and [[The Publishing Business]]  and  [[Punctuation]]
*[[Quotation style]]
*[[Reading]] as an activity and [[Books to Read]] and [[Rejection]] and [[Rhetorical Phrases]]
*[[Songs]] and [[Stories]]
*[[Talking]]  and  [[Teaching Writing]] and [[Twitter]]
*[[Using foreign names of people and countries]]
*[[Wikipedia]]  and  [[Writing]]  and  [[Writing Style in the Internet Age]]
*[[Deaths, Mysterious]] and [[Despised Ethnic Groups]] and [[Doctors]]
*[[History]] and [[Homosexuality]]
*[[Knots]] and [[Korean Dialects]] and [[Korean Customs]]
*[[Los Angeles County Fires]]
*[[Machiavelli, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Their Friends]] and [[Maps]]
*[[Photos]] and [[Places]] and [[Profit Opportunities]]
*[[Sex]] and [[Slavery]]
*[[Uni High]]
*[[To Do]]
==[[READING 3: Revelation 20. The New Jerusalem]]==
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And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
==Administrative and Wikimedia Help==
And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
*[[Twitter Tweets]]
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
*[[Using MediaWiki for organizing your personal website]]  and [[Wikimedia commands]]
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
*[[Rasmapedia administration]] 
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
*[[Notes on various things]]
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
*[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting Help:Formatting]
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Editeur24/sandbox&redirect=no My Wikipedia useful command page].
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
  <html> <img src= "http://rasmusen.org/EricRasmusen2007.jpg" height= 120 align= left> </html>  
: and :: and ::: for indentation layers
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* for bullet points
# with nothing after it, for a blank line
*(1) is how I like to do numbered lists. It is better than using #
<nowiki>no [[wiki]] ''markup''</nowiki>  escaping the language
<blockquote style="color: gray">This is a gray blockquote</blockquote>
<q>This is a quotation</q>
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I have not figured out how to include templates. The documentation is bad on how to include them in a wiki.  
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Latest revision as of 14:59, 31 January 2025

This is reached by http://rasmusen.org/rasmapedia. Top pages: Music and Quotations and Words and Jokes and Anecdotes and Books To Read and Articles to read and iu:main and Notes to Transfer Elsewhere and Memorable Articles and Software and Videos.

Commands: <html><img src="http://rasmusen.org/EricRasmusen2007.jpg" height= 20 align=left></html>  
<blockquote style="color:gray"> 

Computers and Images and Movies and Best Dozen Articles I've Read in 2023 and the MIT Free Speech page.




  • DEI bureaucrats







Voting: Liberty Fund Conference





Administrative and Wikimedia Help

  <html> <img src= "http://rasmusen.org/EricRasmusen2007.jpg" height= 120 align= left> </html> 
: and :: and ::: for indentation layers
---- for a horizontal rule
* for bullet points
# with nothing after it, for a blank line
*(1) is how I like to do numbered lists. It is better than using #
no [[wiki]] ''markup''  escaping the language
<blockquote style="color: gray">This is a gray blockquote</blockquote>
<q>This is a quotation</q>
 <!-- This is a comment -->
I have not figured out how to include templates. The documentation is bad on how to include them in a wiki. 
